5 questionsSolicitor General Elena Kagan will be the center of Washington 's attention this week at her confirmation hearings to become the 112th Supreme 室內設計Court Justice. She is President Obama's nominee to take the seat of retiring Justice John Paul Stevens, one of the more liberal voices on the court. At her 租辦公室hearings, liberals will seek assurance that she is truly one of their own, while conservatives will test whether she's acceptably within their definition of 澎湖民宿the mainstream. Thus far, her candidacy has been a bit of a bore; a recent poll found that 42% of Americans had no opinion on whether Kagan should be confirmed. 個人信貸And confirmation hearings tend to be so stage-managed these days that Kagan herself once called them exercises in "vacuity and farce." But as Clarence Thomas 酒店打工learned, there is always the potential for them to turn ugly fast. 最高法院提名人Elena Kagan是這各星期華府的焦點人物他的政見當中有5項是保守人士頭皮發麻,當他在克凌關鍵字行銷頓政府時期她寫了不少東西十分前衛, (其是她說的都是她在前政府時的說法, 是不是就是代表她真的看法?)1. 搶枝法案: KAGAN以前所說的, 現在居然可以翻盤?2. 聰明的節能燈具猶太人: KAGAN是第四位被提名的女性法官, 也是第八位猶太人被提名,(年初才被任命)SONIA曾說希望最高法院法官是來自不同的背景 SONIA曾說, 寧可問一位聰明的西裔也不問依未無聊居酒屋的白種人男子3. 墮胎法案KAGAN採母親的選擇權, 但生命權派人士非常反對KANGAN的說法4. 同性戀議題: (民主黨前政府)採不主動問軍人的性向問題, 共和黨享用這議題來房地產反對KAGAN的人事案5. 行政權: 總統(白宮)有沒有監聽, 收押, 調查權? 這各可能與立法院(權限)有衝突?Read more: 房屋二胎,8599,2000023,00.html#ixzz0t4fFcfHI

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